Postpartum Blues Syndrome

Postpartum Blues Syndrome is a transient mild depression occurring post partum is so ubiquitous and ostensibly benign that it has not often been deemed worthy of serious study[1].

Consequently, considerable uncertainty exists about the basic characteristics and significance of this syndrome. In females, the study of stress in the life cycle demands attention to endocrine-behavioral interaction, since some of the times of greatest life stress (ie, menarche, pregnancy, and menopause) occur simultaneously with marked fluctuations in hormonal levels.
Although it is associated with a critical phase in the life cycle, the dysphoria curiously occurs after delivery at a time when one would expect women to feel joyous. In fact, this period is occasionally the moment of onset of a major emotional upheaval—the postpartum psychosis.

References to this mild postpartum dysphorias first appeared in the medical literature in the late 19th century. The term 'milk fever' was used in 1875, since the dysphoria appeared to coincide with the onset of lactation. Another synonym, 'third day blues', was employed for similar reasons.

Symptoms include crying, insomnia, restlessness and confusion were observed in a large proportion of women post partum.

Postpartum Blues Syndrome is nót a Postnatal Depression, otherwise known as Postpartum Depression (PPD).

[1] Yalom et al: 'Postpartum blues' Syndrome in Archives of General Psychology - 1968

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